Thursday, February 20, 2014


Edward Snowden released himself from the brethren of political comprise and scaled a vigorous fight against the privacy of the citizens of the United States and the compromise of international targets.  A common theory is the government is awarded a great obligation to protect its citizen's rights.  Although there are many that doubt the integrity of Snowden, there is a sense of animalistic freedom that prevails by way of fear and prejudice.  Most citizens don't want to feel like they have no privacy but those same citizens don't mind if international privacy is purged for our protection.  The US is a county stuck between a rock and a hard place when determining if Snowden did, in fact, act as a traitor or a hero.    

The rights of citizens of the United States is appropriated by the Constitution.  Therefore if the NSA or CIA  is listening and watching without consent, then it is quite simply a betrayal of our trust and tramples the very rights this country was founded upon.

Snowden worked in IT Security for the CIA.  When he began his quest to acquire as much disturbing, confidential information as possible.  The end count was staggering: 15,000 Australian files, 58,000 British files, 1.7 million US intelligence files

Rand Paul to sue Obama administration over NSA - Lawsuit against Obama and director of NSA, His attempt is to stop the record tapping of the "Mass Associational Tracking Program".

What is the basis of the suit - violation of the 4th amendment of the constitution - watched everyone without recourse.

This conflict has presented a difficult position for information sharing businesses.  Is anyone's activity private?  It seems that no matter where information is routed or stored it will never be impenetrable.


Google's Offshore Data Centres Won't Be Out Of The NSA's Reach, Nor The US Government's

HIPAA / FERPA - An institution of patient privacy

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